Cybersecurity Consulting

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Cybersecurity Consulting

Cybersecurity Consulting Services for Companies

New operational and business models and new technologies, such as IoT, AI, Blockchain and Cloud, are multiplying cyber threats. In this scenario, cyber-resiliency, i.e. the ability of an organization to resist even in the event of unexpected cyber events, becomes increasingly important.
To cope with ever-evolving threats, companies must guarantee a rapid response in the event of an attack and know how to manage the risks deriving from complex and connected ecosystems, such as those of Industry 4.0. In a context where legislation is also constantly changing, it is essential to integrate security into business strategies and implemented solutions, making the whole company responsible for IT security.

Cybersecurity Strategies: the 6 Ways to Go

Every company needs a cybersecurity strategy built on the basis of its characteristics and business objectives. It is like an infrastructure that provides fundamental capabilities to protect against threats from the cyber world, enabling 6 interconnected roads that can be traveled in different directions, depending on specific business needs. Starting from the map that encompasses this vision, Fassari Consulting is able to accompany customers in the construction of a cybersecurity approach capable of responding effectively to the threats introduced by continuous technological development and of promptly adapting to a constantly changing context.

Assess: assess cyber threats and targets

Does your cybersecurity strategy help increase business performance?

Knowing how to adapt to technological evolutions and being innovators in a hyper-connected global market means you cannot help but include cyber risk management in your strategy.
For Fassari Consulting, the Assess phase is essential to identify, enhancing what has been implemented, the model suitable for balancing its characteristics and strategic objectives with the cyber security requirements and making the cyber security strategy a success factor.

Prepare: know the vulnerabilities to defend yourself

Being vulnerable means being exposed to the possibility of service interruption, data breaches, production disruption or other risks that could damage your reputation and lead to significant economic losses. 

Fassari Consulting services allow you to build an effective protection model which, in relation to the level of exposure to threats, identifies the appropriate security measures by acting on technologies, processes, human behavior and integrating security within processes and of the new services with a view to “Security by Design”.

Operate: be proactive towards cyber threats

The threat landscape is dynamic, in terms of volume, intensity and complexity. The perimeter to be protected expands both from a physical point of view and from a production process point of view. “Operate” means strengthening ourselves, transforming the approach from reactive to proactive, improving the capabilities of monitoring, detecting and responding to emerging threats.

Fassari Consulting guarantees support in the daily management of IT security, so as to effectively face 0-days threats and promote the correct functioning of the protection infrastructures, aligning them with the changing context in which they operate.

Influence: Collaborate with suppliers securely

Continuous technological evolution has made it essential for companies to rely on specialized third parties, thus creating ecosystems of companies that interact to quickly evolve and adapt to new business needs.

Any negative event for an ecosystem actor could cause a degradation of the level of efficiency and resilience.

“Influence” means overseeing the entire ecosystem so that suppliers guarantee an appropriate security posture. Fassari Consulting offers an end-to-end solution for the entire life cycle of the relationship with suppliers: from selection, to contract negotiation up to constant monitoring over time and at the end of the collaboration.

Foresee: Prepare for future risks

The asymmetry between attackers and attacked puts us at a disadvantage, but the existing balance can be restored by sharing information and experiences between ecosystem players.

Fassari Consulting aims to build mechanisms for the collection and use of information that highlight trends and characteristics of threats that occur in different markets, geographies and technological contexts, increasing awareness of potential risks and thus preparing defenses to reduce the window exposure to new threats.

Make it sustainable: make the strategy effective and long-lasting

Making the cybersecurity strategy “sustainable” means knowing how to manage, control and innovate when necessary